Wednesday, June 29, 2022

POUR CO2 gas to extinguish fire!

Carbon dioxide is a gas that we interact with every day. For instance, CO2 enables plants to perform photosynthesis, you exhale CO2 when you breathe, and CO2 can extinguish fire. You probably knew all those facts, but did you know that you can get really science-y and extremely creative when putting out flames with CO2? It's as simple as pouring the gas onto fire. Pouring? You better try it to believe it!!


  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Clear container
  • Candle(s)
  • Lighter or matches


1. Pour some baking soda into a clear beaker or glass.
2. Add some vinegar into the mix by pouring white vinegar into the same container as the baking soda. Whoa… that's a foamy reaction!
3. Wait a few moments while the reaction tapers off.
4. Use a lighter or matches to ignite the candle(s).
5. Grab the container with what used to be vinegar and baking soda and slowly "pour" the air from the container over the candles. Be careful not to pour the liquid!

As you move the container from candle to candle as you pour the air out, the flames will extinguish. SERIOUSLY! 

CO2 Extinguisher - Sick Science! #174

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