Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Future of Food(comic)

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Who Will Really Inherit the Earth?(comic)

The day will soon come that informed women will refuse to date, marry or have children with men who follow poor nutritional habits. "You eat junk foods? Put your pants back on and get out!"
You see, scientific evidence is mounting on the relationship between food choice and genetic integrity. Men who eat a lot of processed meats, fast foods and junk foods have low sperm quality. But it's more than just an infertility question... it's also a question of thetransgenerational genetic integrity of his offspring.

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The many "cides" of modern food production(comic)

When it comes to modern food production, there are many "cides" to the story. You can't even talk about food production without hearing lots of different "cides" such as pesticides, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. I thought we'd add another cide to the story and include genocide.
The word suffix "cide" means something is being killed, by the way. "Pesti-cide" means something that kills pests. "Fungi-cide" means something that kills fungus. "Herbi-cide" means something that kills plants (herbs). Similarly, "Geno-cide" loosely means killing a targeted group of people, usually for some evil purpose of control, profit or cultural extermination.

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The Newborn Baby Fish(comic)

Looking for a quick and easy way to pollute the environment and destroys huge populations of fish and ocean creatures? It's simple: Just take more pharmaceuticals and urinate!
Prescription drugs are now used in such large numbers that they have become an environmental hazard. When you take drugs, they aren't simply "used up" by the body; they pass through and get funneled into water treatment systems. The bad news is that water treatment facilities don't remove pharmaceuticals, so they get flushed downstream where they destroy aquatic ecosystems while contaminating the water supplies of farms and cities that happen to be downstream.
There's actually Prozac in the public water supply! (Perhaps municipal water companies will now be charged with practicing medicine without a license for distributing prescription drugs to citizens without a prescription...)

Huh? What environmental problem?

Drug companies try to pretend this problem doesn't exist, and the mainstream media has largely ignored it, too. Meanwhile, fish are being born with double sets of reproductive organs, and fish infertility rates are skyrocketing. The humans who eat those fish are, likewise, expressing unprecedented rates of hormone-related health disorders such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, infertility and much more.Those disease, in turn, get treated with yet more prescription drugs! Then those drugs are urinated back into the groundwater supply where the density of synthetic chemicals continues to increase. Sound insane? It is.
Today, the fish are mutants. Tomorrow, it will be the human population. The widespread abuse and marketing of pharmaceuticals is threatening the health of not just today's ecosytems, but the health of humans, too.

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The raw milk Rawesome Foods raid (comic)

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