Super cell clouds are cumulonimbus clouds that go Mad.Inside the cloud,hot air rises to fuel up the cloud which creates a low pressure.Trade winds make the storm rotate. But in 60% of cases, the rotation is not organize and instead makes the entire super cell cloud into a mini rotating
low pressure.As the super cell weekends the clouds will dissipate and will show a clearly seen spiral from space.The Super Cell does not have to be dissipating to show the spiral.
In some Rare occasions, The super cell cloud is so strong,that the mini low pressure area that it has created
Keeps on intensifying and creates a low pressure system
that produces even more clouds!And In some VERY rare occasions,The low pressure created is very concentrated and strong that the single super cell cloud grows bigger and bigger and rotates faster and faster until it becomes a Typhoon of Hurricane!!!But it happens only if the super cell with its low pressure is in the sea
I search the internet for the name of this phenomena but i can't find any results,so i decided to name this phenomena Strange spiral clouds phenomena
The following satellite image shows a super cell thunder cloud in a spiral shape The image was taken at May 14,2011 by the EOS satellite.The satellite takes a picture of Hong Kong 1 to 3 pictures a day.
Notice a faint spiral when the super Cell was still growing on image one
Image One

Image Two
Notice a clearly seen spiral formation as the cloud fades away...
If You wish to copy the image,copy the 2 images below.(don't forget to click the image for a larger size)
Strange spiral clouds phenomena image